
Reports are the cornerstone of Atlas Library.

ETL Loaded Content

Reports are added to the library through the ETL processes. A report general will include several sets of data or actions:

  • Title, Description, basic meta details such as last updated, report type, author, etc.
  • Usage information include report run data by person, in some cases also report failed runs, subscription information etc.
  • Links to run, edit, or manage the report in its source system
  • Source SQL queries uses in the report.
  • Report security groups.
  • Report hierarchy structure (sub-reports, parent reports etc).

This basic information provides the foundation for your consolidated report library, and is fed into the search.

User Loaded Content

Additional documentation and metadata can now be added through the app. There are a variety of ways to enhance your documentation!

  • Images describing your report

  • Developer description and key assumptions

  • Link to terms, with custom notes

  • Add reports to exiting report collections

  • Report owners, requester, link to the source code

  • Through parameters, custom values can be added as options for

    • Organizational value
    • Estimated run frequency
    • Fragility rating
    • Maintenance schedule - used to trigger maintenance tasks and certification tags!
    • Fragility tags - tag potential fragility points that could affect you reports during upgrades, etc
    • Executive visibility - flag all reports that your execs are using
    • Do No Purge - flag reports that you want to hide from the recommended retire task
    • Hide Report - flag to hide the report in search for users without advanced search permissions
  • Service tickets - add the ticket number, a link to the ticketing system, and a few comments describing the change

  • Maintenance - add maintenance logs directly to your documentation to track the history and changes and maintain report certification

Descriptions fields and most other free text fields support full markdown, including tables, code highlighting, and more! Learn more about markdown

Report Certification

The ETL will add a certification tag to all reports each time it runs. There are several levels, a description can be found in the About Analytics page on your Atlas Library install. These tags range from High Risk to Analytics Certified. The top tag requires things such as image, descriptions, recent maintenance, etc, in order to achieve the top rank.

Report Maintenance

If a report has a maintenance schedule and misses the next maintenance dates, administrators will see an alert under the report title reminding them to maintain the report. The task list will also show the report.

Report Profile

All reports will have a profile included. In the profile you will find all the reports run data, who runs the report, who is subscribed, and who has starred it.

Sharing Reports

Reports can be shard directly in the app. The person receiving the share will receive a notification in the right sidebar, and also in the mail. SFTP can also be configured in the application settings to send notification to users email box.

Starring Reports

Starring a report will add it to your home screen favorites.

Requesting Access and Giving Feedback

Users have the option to request access to reports, or to give feedback. Both of these options integrate into Manage Engine ticketing system.

Running Reports

The library has some logic in place to determine if reports can be run from your current browser and will give a message to users if they are not able to run the report.