it's called Atlas

Analytics solutions for healthcare. By healthcare professionals, for healthcare professionals.

/ Library

The unified report library.

atlas home page
atlas information sources

Atlas business intelligence library plugs in to your existing reporting platforms, extracts useful metadata, and displays it in a unified report library where you can easily search for, document, and launch reports.

Documenting your reporting content is easier than ever.

Attach terms - a definition of a commonly used word or acronym, such as LOS (length of stay) - to your reports so users clearly know what definition is used in each report.

View report relationships to other reports, and connected security groups.

You have the reports profile - all the run data, subscriptions, stars, and user data - at your fingertips.

Data governance strategies are easier to implement with the built in report maintenance system, and many report library status reports.

A consolidated data catalog with report metadata is the best gift to data governance!

/ Hub

A simple extract, batch job and script scheduler.

atlas home page

Atlas Automation Hub is a task scheduling tool for getting data from a source and depositing it in a destination - sql servers to SFTP servers.

With the multitude of routine reporting demands it is essential to have a reliable tool to schedule the data extracts and loads!

Atlas Automation Hub will reliably run your SQL reports, delimit the data and deposit it in your vendors SFTP server.

With a multitude of options available, from GPG encryption and zip files to running batch jobs over SSH to email with embedded reports, this tool will cover your data extract needs.

/ System

Uptime and resource monitor for servers, databases, and websites.

system home page

Track uptime and receive alerts when the system is not working as planned. Atlas System monitors SQL Server, Windows, Ubuntu, websites, and tcp connections. Supposed LDAP and SAML sso authentication.

Easily review cpu, memory, and storage utilization across Ubuntu and Windows servers.

Track SQL Server file usage, database ram consumption, and server cpu consumption.

Track website response time.

Get alerts when your system is not performing up to spec.