
Group reports and terms together around reporting topics.

Description & Meta

Collections come with a few useful options to make this a very flexible tool, from just a group of several reports, to a full out project manager with scheduled recurring tasks lists.

The editor options include

  • Search summary and a detailed description
  • Option to hide the collection from search
  • Upload file attachments
  • Create agreements with start/end dates, and users who are a part of it
  • Create milestones and recurring tasks lists and detailed description
  • Link reports and terms
Descriptions fields and most other free text fields support full markdown, including tables, code highlighting, and more! Learn more about markdown

Collection Profile

All collections will have a profile included. In the profile you will find all the linked reports run data combined, who runs the reports. This is useful to find the general impact of concepts in your organization.

Starring Collections

Starring a collection will add it to your home screen favorites.

Sharing Collections

Collections can be shard directly in the app. The person receiving the share will receive a notification in the right sidebar, and also in the mail. SFTP can also be configured in the application settings to send notification to users email box.

Giving Feedback

Users have the option to give feedback on collections. These option integrates with the Manage Engine ticketing system.