
Copy the file /web/appsettings.json to a new file called appsettings.cust.json. This file should be modified to hold your custom settings. The file is excluded from git revision control, so pulling fresh code updates will preserve this file.

Development settings for debugging can also be added. Copy the file /web/appsettings.Development.json to a new file called appsettings.cust.Development.json.

The available settings are as follows. Remove comments when you create your configuration.

  "AllowedHosts": "*",
  "AppSettings": {
    "base_url": "",

    // Optional config for Manage Engine ticket system integration
    "manage_engine_server": "http://manage engine server for manage engine integration",
    "manage_engine_tech_key": "api key for manage engine",

    "org_ad_domain": "org domain should match the ETl setting for org domain",
    "org_domain": "web domain (",
    "org_name": "My Organization Name",

    // Outgoing email settings for share notifications
    "smtp_port": 465,
    "smtp_server": "your smtp email server",
    "smtp_use_ssl": true,
    "smtp_sender_email": "[email protected]",
    "smtp_sender_name": "Atlas | Example Healthcare Analytics",
    "smtp_username": "this is an option value, only use if your smtp requires auth.",
    "smtp_password": "this is an option value, only use if your smtp requires auth."

  // Connection string. Newer sql tools will required the ";TrustServerCertificate=Yes" param.
  "ConnectionStrings": {
    "AtlasDatabase": "Server=server_name;Database=atlas;User Id=datagov; Password=<password>; MultipleActiveResultSets=true"
  "Logging": {
    "LogLevel": {
      "Default": "Warning"

  // Configuration for static files (css/js). No changes needed.
  "webOptimizer": {
    "enableCaching": true,
    "enableDiskCache": false,
    "enableMemoryCache": true,
    "enableTagHelperBundling": true

  // URL's for solr. If you followed the default install guide no change is needed.
  "solr": {
    "atlas_address": "http://localhost:8983/solr/atlas",
    "atlas_lookup_address": "http://localhost:8983/solr/atlas_lookups"

  // Optional path to a custom logo.
  "logo": "path/to/override_logo.png",

  // Enable or disable portions of the app.
  "features": {
    "enable_initiatives": true,
    "enable_request_access": true,
    "enable_sharing": true,
    "enable_terms": true,
    "enable_user_profile": true,
    "enable_breadcrumbs": true

  // Optional custom text for the report documentation external link field
  "text": {
    "reports": {
      "external_link": "GitLab Project Link"

  // Optional custom links in the navbar dropdown menu
  "nav": {
    "links": {
      "Docs": "https://somewhere"

  // Optional custom link groups in the website footer
  "footer": {
    "links": {
      "Group One": {
        "Something": "https://something",
        "Something Else": "https://soemthingelse"
      "Group One": {
        "Something": "https://something",
        "Something Else": "https://soemthingelse"


By default Atlas Library will use windows authentication from IIS. If you prefer, SAMl is a available with the following configuration options. Adding the configuration will automatically enable SAML.

"Saml2": {
  "IdPMetadata": "http://localhost:7000/metadata",
  "Issuer": "atlas-library",
  "SignatureAlgorithm": "",
  "SigningCertificateFile": "C:\\user\\me\\Documents\\projects\\atlas\\idp\\idp.pfx",
  "SigningCertificatePassword": "password",
  "SignatureValidationCertificateFile": "C:\\Users\\me\\Documents\\projects\\atlas\\idp\\idp.pfx",
  "CertificateValidationMode": "None", // "ChainTrust"
  "RevocationMode": "NoCheck"

SAML endpoints will be available:

  • Metadata > this url can be given to the IDP.
  • /Auth/Login > Unauthenticated users will automatically be directed to this page.
  • /Logout > Url can be called to end the SAML session if needed.
  • /Auth/Asc > Callback url for the IPD